Monday, January 31, 2011

Exercise plans

Well, I didn't break 140 before school started back up, mostly because last week was a wash. I'm around 141-142, which is fine, but I need to get rolling again.

This quarter I plan to take yoga (vinyasa flow) in the morning and aerobics in the evening on Tuesday and Thursday. Next quarter I'll have pilates before lunch on Monday and Wednesday, so I'll switch my yoga to those days. On the alternate days, I'll do cardio and strength exercises on the machines/mats, and maybe on some days I'll do a run instead of machines. I'd still like to do Bikram each weekend but I'm debating which location and second-guessing whether I'll really be able to go often enough to use up all my classes before the expiration date (they usually rig it so you have to do at least 5 per month which is a leetle more than I think is realistic).

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