Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Reflection on the trip pre weigh in

So, before I even look at the scale, I am going to make a little evaluation of how things went as far as my diet and exercise on the trip.

I ended up altering my exercise a little. 10 sun salutes is really too much, so I did 5 instead. I got bored doing 2 different kinds of crunches, so I eliminated the regular crunches and just did oblique crunches, because you still use the middle muscles for those. I still did my yoga routine, knee pushups, and oblique crunches most of the days, like I wanted to. The last couple of days I didn't do the pushups and crunches, but I did the yoga.

As far as the weight I expect to have, the first thing to note is that I left on day 7 of my menstrual cycle and tomorrow, when I have my official return weigh-in, it will be day 23. So I will expect a water-hormone-related gain related to that, but my body fat percentage will tell me about that. Hopefully, I have drunk enough water today to stabilize my hydration level despite the 22-hour assault of airplanes. In France, I may have managed to lose a pound because we walked SO MUCH and often we either were too busy to eat lunch or we ate a big rich lunch and weren't hungry for dinner, so we had only 2 meals a day sometimes. In Finland, I probably about broke even most days (well, except for those two dinners with the obscene flow of alcohol) but it's hard to say. We did some walking, but it was cold and the city was very compact, so not as much, and we usually ate three square meals. As for the travelling days, the ones in the middle were normal, the short day I really have no idea how well I matched my calories to my time, and on the long day (today) I was incredibly hungry, probably because we got up at 3:30 AM, so I've eaten a lot, but then it's been a 34 hour day.

My pants have gotten looser, but that means nothing because I've been wearing the same 2 pairs of pants for 2 1/2 weeks. My dress, which would be less likely to stretch and which I wore only twice, I think fit a little better than when I acquired it, but it's hard to tell. Based on my body image when I looked in the mirror, I felt like I was losing weight in France and at best maintaining in Finland, but there are psychological factors including my knowledge of my behavior during that time, so that's probably an unreliable indicator for such a small potential weight change.

I have to admit I couldn't resist calorie estimating entirely. I didn't think much about it in France because we were walking so much, but especially in Finland where I could tell I was near the line and kept being faced by large dinners I wanted to keep a rough mental tally (estimated to an increment of 100) of how much I had probably eaten. I also weighed myself once, about 3 days ago. I saw the scale in the WC when we were at a dinner and had to step on. Of course, it read in kilograms, and it read 64 1/2 kg. Well, 65x2 = 130 so 65x0.2 = 13, adds up to 143, minus a pound for the 1/2 kg, so about 142 pounds. Considering I was wearing clothes and it was 7 PM, not bad. But then I remembered that analog scales, in my experience, tend to run low.

So, I may have lost my pound or I may not have. I would be surprised if I lost much more than a pound, and I would NOT be surprised if I lost a pound or less of fat but maintained or gained overall because of my cycle. I would also be somewhat surprised and definitely disappointed if I gained fat overall. We'll find out tomorrow, and in a few days I can do a check between Saturdays 3 weeks apart.

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