Monday, January 3, 2011


Tomorrow I am leaving for my trip to Europe. I'll be back on the 19th which makes me gone from my spreadsheet, and regular computer access, for 15 days.

I'm  not going to count calories, however, I have decided to keep a rough record of what I eat. I'll probably look at nutrition information (which will be in kilojoules!) if I buy snacks that are labeled, but I won't record it. I won't be measuring anything. I will simply jot down what I've eaten each day, and visually/intuitively police how much. When eating in restaurants and at hosted dinners, my guideline will be: try anything that looks good or is necessary to be polite, but you don't have to finish everything that is served. Insofar as the meals are fairly high calorie anyway, I will hopefully be walking a lot, doing exciting things that will distract me from the idea of snacking, and I can do things like have a cafe-creme for a snack or a snack for lunch. I understand that the way "French women don't get fat" is they have lots of moderate daily activity and don't eat much between meals.

My grandpa is 72, but I believe he walks a couple of miles each morning at home, so hopefully I can convince him to walk most places. That will be most of my exercise, but I'm going to also bring my yoga mat and do a little yoga and strengthening routine most mornings (it probably won't happen on the days I'm flying):

10 sun salutes
Standing Bow/Dancer
Warrior II, I, and III
Pigeon, Boat, Forward Stretch, and Cobbler
Rocking, Wind Relieving, and Floor Twist

3 x 5 knee pushups or best effort
2 x 10 regular crunches
2 x 10 oblique crunches

I'm not sure how long this will end up taking, but I figure this might burn 100 or 120 calories. I'm going to go ahead and make it my goal to lose 1 pound from whatever my weight is tomorrow while on break. I think that should be possible, and if I overshoot it, I might do as much as break under 140 by the time I come back.

I'll post my leaving weight tomorrow.

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