Friday, May 27, 2011

4 steps forward, 1 step back

After eating 2 half-sandwiches of mixed cheddar and mozzarella cheese, 1 half-sandwich of peanut butter and honey, and 2 bowls of cereal with milk and sugar, I'm rather astonished that I only feel full edging toward stuffed, rather than nauseatingly packed to the brim.

Also slightly astonished at my behavior. I have overeaten at dinner and events before, and I have eaten too many calories throughout too many snacks in an afternoon before, but I have never before eaten 1200 calories in one sitting in the afternoon, flagrantly disregarding the plan.

Apparently I'm at the point where pushing too hard for too long leads to binging. Apart from I'd waffle on the out of control clause, I think this fits the markers of a real binge. Well, so be it. The last 4 days were excellently on-track - I'm talking 1500 calories plus a workout kind of level - and I've been feeling great because of it. I've been at 131.2 for 2 days, which means I lost the semester-party pound and am mostly finished with the final-projects pound. Next week I'll be cutting out pot for a bit, drinking coffee, and doing (hopefully) interesting work that keeps me (hopefully) on my feet in the lab, plus being on campus with running trails and the gym available at lunch, so I would expect to do pretty well during the week, and if you think of that plan I had before where I'd restrict during the week and indulge one day out of the weekend, well, today's Friday. If I'd been thinking of it that way, though, I would have rather indulged on a pot of Annies mac and cheese or a pint of ice cream, except that I can't afford it this month anyway, so...

I'm at 2300 calories for the day now and I'm beginning to look shiftily at that number. It seems like every time I overeat in an unplanned way, it peters out around 2300. I'm pretty sure 2300 is close to what maintains 165 at my typical level of activity. Dammit setpoint, stop looking at me like that!

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