Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Status update

Well, I did okay on Monday and Tuesday of last week, but then the free food took over. I kind of forgot about some of my planned strategies (e.g. one donut only). Now I'm around 3 pounds up, which is still under 135, but I don't think it's all "real" anyhow because I don't think I overate enough to gain 2 pounds in a week.

Toward the end though, I did break through it all in a significant way, I think. During the end-of-term party, I took a certain substance that always makes me uninterested in food, resulting in my not eating for about 15 hours. The overnight fast can sometimes last that long, but usually it's around 8-12 hours, so it was a really a great break and made me feel light and "up" and on-track again. Since then, the past two days, I've gone back to counting calories and I've been doing pretty well.

I was going to try to have a cardio workout and a yoga class all five weekdays this week, but I realized there aren't as many yoga classes as I thought and some of them conflict with other things I'm doing. So I'll go to the ones I can and still try to cardio every day.

I'm looking forward to the summer because I'll be able to walk to campus/work and back, which will mean I'm walking for a little more than an hour a day, plus any real working out I do. I guess I wanted to focus on training my running, but the weather's been so sluggish at becoming summer that I haven't really thought about it yet. I actually have a lot of projects I want to work on over the summer including some writing and I'm not sure if I will have enough time for all of it. I'll be working, but I also want to continue a story I started a long time ago, and write an essay about Hobbes and Locke and Ayn Rand, and train up my running, and I need to keep working on this writeup of the work I did last summer. Hopefully it will all happen...

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