Tuesday, March 22, 2011

My dad's diet

My dad is such a dork. He has no milk in his fridge, only half-and-half. He puts it in his coffee and also on his cereal, which he doesn't eat in the morning, but rather at night if he gets hungry after dinner. One of his favorite ridiculous snacks is Fruity Pebbles with half-and-half.

He also revealed that his usual eating routine involves no breakfast, a constant supply of coffee all morning, then for lunch fast food, or more recently turkey and vegetable wraps that he brings from home, or on a bad day, a string of chocolate bars until the end of the workday, and finally a huge dinner. I know from experience typical dinner is pasta or frozen pizza, although I think he eats meaty, higher-protein options without me. And admittedly, there are more vegetables in his fridge now than I am accustomed to seeing.

Incidentally, he's pretty in-shape. He runs fairly long distances (5 miles easily, marathons on special occasions) He's 5'11" and has usually been between about 165-195, and he's looking like he's on the fit side right now. I don't really know how this works.

When we go into town later, I will buy myself a quart of skim or 2% and maybe some apples or lettuce. He has juice and chopped-up peppers and onions and celery, but I don't think I saw any whole fruits and I'd have to go check again to see if there's any salad greens. There was dressing, but that doesn't mean he uses it often. It might even be for the wraps.

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