Friday, April 22, 2011

Let's try this weekly reflection thing then

I'm going to just go back 7 days. I might not always do this on the same day of the week, so I might sometimes skip or overlap days between evaluations, but the point is just to draw attention to whatever's been happening lately, so it doesn't have to be real precise.

-How many days did I eat 5 or more fruits and vegetables? Fewer than 3?
2 and 3 respectively which leaves 2 in the middle. Glad to see more than one "good" day, but I'd like to cut down on the deficient days.

-What percentage of my meals included significant protein? What about snacks?
This question requires waaay too much data analysis. I don't have time for that shit. Also, I never defined "significant protein" which is problematic when it comes to things like oatmeal or cream cheese.

-Do I feel that my diet was satisfactory overall this week?
Mostly, but I probably ate too many treats. I had macaroni and cheese more than once (for meals, but it's still a high calorie meal) and some ice cream one day, cookies another time, and greasy grill food for a dinner-while-studying. I think I handled them well otherwise (reasonable portions, mostly at mealtimes) but still, shouldn't be so frequently.

-Did I have any negative outcomes this week that I feel may have been related to my dietary choices?
Nope. In contrast to the week before, even when I ate maybe-too-many treats, I avoided eating so much of them that I felt yucky afterward. In fact, I started cutting down on caffeine, which has caused some benefits. I notice I can tell when I haven't eaten enough vegetables - but I wouldn't call that a negative outcome really, because it doesn't get too unpleasant, I just respond by having an apple and peanut butter for breakfast or something. It's like being slightly thirsty - it's only a negative outcome of your choices if you ignore the initial signal out of inconvenience until you become dehydrated and fatigued.

I will say I've done hardly any cardio this week. One of these days I need to get up early enough to actually go run at that cute park next to the new apartment. It's just been a thing with school being so busy. But I need to get back in a habit of running in the mornings. All sorts of things have been delaying the plan, but it is something I want to do.

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