Saturday, April 2, 2011

Results of fitness testing

Unsurprising stuff:

Muscular endurance (push-up test): 4 pushups - "needs improvement"
Muscular strength (bench press): 7 reps of 45 lbs, calculated strength-to-weight ratio 0.417 - 5th/10th percentile among 20-29 yo females, "very poor"

Flexibility (sit and reach): 34 cm w/ zero set at 23 cm (idk) - "very good"

Somewhat surprising stuff:

Resting HR: 84 bpm
Step test HR: 168 bpm, calculated VO2max = 34.78 (don't remember the units) - 35th-40th percentile, "fair"

Very surprising stuff:

Body composition (skin-fold measurements): calculated at 17.0% body fat


Okay, so we know my strength isn't that great. I could do a few pushups, I could lift bench press bar a few times, and I thought that stuff was pretty cool, but I'm not surprised that isn't up to what a lot of people can do. Whatever. We also know I'm super flexible, I always got good scores on the sit-and-reach in middle school and I've done plenty of yoga since then. Whoopee.

Cardio stuff was a little surprising. My resting HR was way above what it usually is - 84 is fine, but I've had it down near 60 recently, like when I was on my trip. I also got a slightly below-average score on the step test, which is kind of odd since I spent last quarter doing step aerobics. But then the guy said I could easily improve on cardio in the next weeks, and I realized I've done what, two runs in the last two weeks. If cardio scores change easily on a couple-of-weeks basis, then I'm probably just seeing the effects of spring break lazing around and the first week back not realizing I didn't have any cardio scheduled in.

And then there was the body fat measurement. According to BIA aka my scale, I'm 25% body fat, and according to this formula thingy, I'm 17% body fat. Uhhhh? The guy said from looking me, he thinks the scale measurement is high, and the caliper measurement is low but more accurate than the scale - so, around 20%. That's a pretty big "around" is all I've got to say. But it's nice to think that in the low 130s, I'm actually sitting in the healthy range, not quizzically looking at my "skinny fat". I guess this means I can pretty much dispense with my scale's body fat function as an indicator of what weight I should seek to lose, though it can tell me whether weight I AM losing is fat or lean since the measurement is fairly consistent.

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