Tuesday, September 14, 2010

BMI < 27

Surprise, I weigh 161.6 today. Why couldn't that have happened yesterday for my phase-concluding weigh-in?! One might observe that in fact, since yesterday was day 99, I can only today say that in 99 days such-and-such has happened. But then one would have to observe that I didn't weigh in until day 5 or so, so it's only been, what, 94 days to which my weight loss can be credited? And 94 is not so snazzy as 99. But all that doesn't matter, because really, the 99 days came from the number of rows in my spreadsheet. Yesterday was the last day I could record in my first spreadsheet so it was the first end-date. This next period, I will be able to say with perfect accuracy that in 99 days I have lost so many pounds. And I'm quite pleased that my second end-date falls on Winter Solstice, not the least important reason being that my family has a Solstice dinner rather than a Christmas dinner (for us Christmas is all about the morning) and so I'll be eating root vegetable soup, lots of bread and cheese, probably drinking quite a bit, and possibly having desserts that night, all things that could give me a spurious gain the next morning. Well, maybe not the vegetable soup. But I digress.

The real point of this post is that my BMI is 26.9 now! I know I've had a BMI in the 26 range before, but I've never calculated it to be such. The times I was light enough, I either wasn't weighing myself or wasn't thinking about BMI. I've seen my BMI at 27 quite a bit, and some 28, and of course 30 (my awareness skipped over 29 somehow), but yay, 26!

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