Saturday, September 4, 2010

Weekly summary

Today I weigh 162.8 at 36.2% body fat. I'm happy my body fat is going down again, it was stuck around 36.6-37.2 for a long time - and I know it's not just a fluke because I got 36.2 the other day and 36.0 yesterday.

Quick stats: average kcals/day 1624, 6 cardio, 3 strength workouts, 2 yoga classes, -2.2 lbs.

Food journal:

Friday 9/3

Eggs fried in olive oil and toast (140+40+110=290)
Nectarine (70)
String cheese (60)
PBJ sandwich with carrot sticks and a boiled egg (220+190+25+40+70=545)
Riesen candy (45)
2 string cheese and a plum (120+60=180)
Rice and beans with grated string cheese, salsa, and a tortilla (230+60+30+120=440)

290+70+60+545+45+180+440=1610 + Elliptical (36 min, 497 cals) and pull-up practice

Thursday 9/2

Yogurt and granola (85+250=335)
Banana (100)
TOC sandwich and a plum (470+60=530)
Coffee with nonfat milk and dark chocolate (10+170=180)
Pasta with parmesan cheese and broccoli (300+150+50=500)

335+100+530+180+500=1645 + Elliptical (35 min, 534 cals) and 1 hr yoga

Wednesday 9/1

Scrambled eggs with sauteed onions and buttered toast (140+40+110+50=340)
Banana and soaked almonds (100+105=205)
Spicy potato beet soup, baguette, and string cheese (200+120+60=380)
1/2 PBJ sandwich (110+95+25=230)
Spicy potato beet soup with wild rice and cheese (200+115+220=535)

340+205+380+230+535=1690 + Elliptical (34 min, 444 cals) and pull-up practice

Tuesday 8/31

Yogurt and granola (340)
Banana and soaked almonds (210+100=310)
Rice and beans with cheese, a tortilla, and a plum (120+230+110+60=520)
Chicken with wild rice and green beans (340+115+50=505)

340+310+520+505=1675 + Elliptical (21 min, 266 cals) and 1 hr yoga

Monday 8/30

Banana and coffee (100)
Eggs and toast (140+110=250)
TLC sandwich and an apple (470+100=570)
String cheese and apricot yogurt (60+85+25=170)
1.5 tortillas, rice and beans, cheese and salsa (180+230+110+20=540)

100+250+570+170+540=1630 + Outdoor run (1.2 mi) and pull-up practice

Sunday 8/29

Yogurt and granola (85+255=340)
Cocoa coffee (105)
Whole-wheat linguine with sauce and a falafel (300+50+85=435)
String cheese (60)
Bite of Powerbar (20)
Spicy potato beet soup with cheese and baguette (200+110+200=510)

340+105+435+60+20+510=1470 + Outdoor run (2 x 1.5 mi)

Saturday 8/28

Instant oatmeal, 1/2 tangelo, espresso with milk and a piece of bread (160+30+30+110=330)
Yogurt and blueberries with espresso (85+30=115)
TLC sandwich and a string cheese with tomato sauce (220+220+50+60+50=600)
Falafel with whole-wheat linguine and sauce (3*85+250+100=605)

330+115+600+605=1650 + no exercise

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