Tuesday, September 7, 2010


3 days ago I was going to do a booster day, but I started off with a high fat breakfast out and ate just about the same amount I did all last week... 2 days ago I renewed my efforts at a booster day and ate 2400 calories... 1 day ago it just all went out of control, was going to go back to normal but no, I had 2210 cals spread out over no less then eleven occasions, seriously I ate or drank things eleven times yesterday, WTF, normal is around 5... and today I'm just a wreck, oh I will stay in the calorie limit and exercise, god I have been waiting to exercise all day because I had a physical and had to prep for my lab during the time I normally would, but shit just all seems to be overwhelming, we've got a houseguest and my brain chemistry feels all kinds of off balance, been drinking too much coffee, don't even care that I've been smoking a lot of pot, and I have so much to do for tomorrow, oh and did I mention my weight was 166.6 this morning... FML.

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