Sunday, November 7, 2010

Dinner with the 'rents

Holy crap. I always eat/drink a lot at dinner parties, but this time I ate enough calories for an entire day (1770). Thank God I went for a run this morning, so my surplus for the day was only in the 400s.

On the bright side, my stepdad looked pointedly at my jeans and asked "are you continuing to lose weight? You're looking great." Apparently I get shout-outs every 15 pounds. YAY!

Another thing that's nice about losing weight, at least when you have a little money, is that you have a good reason to buy cute new clothes. I got some sweatpants on my way back home that I'll be wearing to yoga tomorrow morning. I used to only buy clothes once or twice a year, when I'd get $50 or $100 in giftcards for my birthday and Christmas, but it's nice to just go get new clothes when the ones I have start to suck.

That's all. Goodnight!

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