Friday, November 5, 2010

New developments

I hit a new low today (152.0) and my body fat is remaining relatively low (33.5%). I'm very very close to normal weight, which is exciting! I was normal weight by a hair once before at my current height - that was right after losing 10 pounds in 9 days due to illness. At this rate, I'll expect to break 30% around 140.

My mp3 player apparently arrived yesterday, but I guess neither of us went in the front door so I didn't know. Oh well, I'm already on campus and if I went home to pick it up and add music, I wouldn't have time to work out at all. In fact, I already may not have time, blast it - where did the last hour go? At any rate, I now have music-ability. 500 calorie workouts, here I come.

Not just my size, but my shape is changing; I can tell from my pants. I put on the free-box 8s this morning, and ended up switching back into my jeans because they were annoying. In one place, they are indistinguishable in relative size from how they were when I first starting wearing them. In another place, they're developing loose pockets. Altogether, they're kind of starting to sag.

Today I Googled "fit female body" and when I did not get the results I was looking for, I elaborated and asked "what does a fit female body look like?" Still few results. Why is it so hard to find? I just want to see examples of healthy, fit women. Not Olympic athletes, not fashion models, just everyday women who are lean and from whom I could pick one who has a similar frame to me as a reference for what I can strive for.

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