Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Morning sucked

So I got up early to see my boyfriend off (he's flying transcontinental to see a friend) and I thought I'd leave early to get to the gym. I wanted to listen to the whole album Nevermind while ellipticizing. However, as soon as I stepped outside I saw it was raining, so I had to come in and change into rain gear. I pulled on the pants and switched my pockets out with the raincoat, which ruined most of my head start. Then I took off.

About halfway there I realized that I hadn't brought my workout clothes to the gym yet this week, so I had to double back and get them, making me actually late. I decided I definitely didn't have time for the whole album now, but I'd do 30-40 minutes with a "go-list". I got to the gym pretty dry, the rain having lightened up, and changed into my clothes. I looked in the pocket of my coat for my Sansa... and realized my raincoat doesn't have a breast pocket, so I hadn't switched it out of my other coat. I thus HAD NO MUSIC AT ALL, AGAIN.

To make it worse, I'm on my period and was sore from some killer ab work we did in yoga yesterday. So it was hard to go intensely. Nonetheless, I was determined to make up for all that crappiness in some way, and I burned 365 calories. It's not amazing, but it's more than yoga. I also did THREE KNEE PUSH-UPS. So I think it's fair to say I can do knee push-ups now.

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