Friday, December 3, 2010

Going back to Bikram yoga, and next semester plans

Today I got 147.8, another new low. I hope that it continues on its way down tomorrow for official weigh-in, although my period is coming up and sometimes that causes a loss and sometimes it causes a gain, so I don't know what will happen. That's not the main point of this post, though.

I want to start doing Bikram yoga again. I did Bikram for 2 years in high school - somewhere between daily and weekly, usually closer to daily, and I did a double (two classes in a day) maybe twice. I quit when I felt it was no longer rewarding, my academics were becoming more demanding (this was the beginning of junior year), and the teachers' answer to me was "come more often and work harder."

I've been back for a drop-in class at my old studio a couple of times since then. I also took a yoga class at my high school senior year, and have been taking yoga for P.E. credit all this semester. I do like yoga. The reasons I'm thinking of going back to Bikram are: first of all, the yoga class I'm taking is MW or TTh, which leaves you getting rusty over the weekend. Second, I'd like to exercise more on the weekends, and Bikram is a huge shot of calorie burn that would be useful for my weight loss efforts. Third, I like the two kinds of yoga for different reasons. I like Bikram because it is long, hard, HOT, regimented and predictable. I like my morning school-yoga because, in contrast, the poses vary with each class, and it's more focused on breath and making transitions so that the poses flow into each other. Both approaches are valuable.

Most studios, including the one nearest my school and current place of residence, have an introductory offer of $29 for 30 days unlimited yoga. So I plan to sign up this weekend for that, which will give me lots of yoga over the end-of-semester and break, when I will have more time and less access to the campus gym. Then I'll go traveling, and when I get back for the semester I'll get a 10-class card and just come once a week. It's not what the Bikram cult recommends, but it's what'll work for me.

Which brings me to next semester's plans. I intend to keep going to my morning yoga class, and I'm going to start going to Bikram on the weekend - so far so good. The thing is, there are other PE classes that are interesting and could replace some of my cardio or supplement my pitiful level of strength training - but I can only register for one class at a time for credit. My yoga teacher says I don't have to be registered to come to class, so I think I will try to take one of the other PE classes. The second thing is that the class I most want to take - step aerobics - conflicts with my lab lecture Thursday night. I will have to ask my chem instructor, then, if he will approve the conflict and allow me to take it anyway. Another option is Pilates. So I'll get that worked out. Finally, I don't really know where to look for this, but I'd really like to find a place that will teach and then host dancing on a weekend night, and go with my boyfriend regularly.

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