Thursday, December 30, 2010

Simple baked eggplant recipe

Recipe for baked eggplant:

1 eggplant
1 Tbsp olive oil
2 cups tomato (pasta) sauce
4 oz mozzarella or other cheese

Cut off the ends of the eggplant and discard. Cut the remainder into rounds about 1/2 inch thick - yield about 8 slices. Coat with salt and leave to sit about 20 minutes, until a brown liquid leaches from the eggplant (I hear this removes bitterness). Rinse the salt off of the eggplant. Coat eggplant with olive oil on both sides and bake on a cookie sheet at 350 F for about 15 minutes, until it displays a soft, spongy texture when poked with a fork. Remove eggplant from the oven and top each slice with 1/4 cup tomato sauce and 1/2 oz grated cheese. Return to oven until cheese is melted. Serve with bread or pasta.

Serving size 2 slices, servings 4, about 210 calories per serving.

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