Saturday, December 18, 2010

Skinny fat and the next two weeks

I'm still fat.

I don't mean that I'm big, wide, or round. Definitely not. I look thin enough that overweight people tell me I shouldn't lose any more weight, my mom told me I carried 150 pounds very well, and would probably start looking skinny by 135. Shirts that fit my B cup chest hang loosely over my abdomen and I wear "petite" pants. I'm relatively small, apparently, and shapely enough - it's just that a lot of that shape is made up of fat.

I think "skinny-fat" is the appropriate term for my condition. It's odd that it's easier to see how fat you are when you're actually less fat. It's not a body image distortion, either - it's the fact that you can actually feel bones and muscles, so you can tell where the texture changes and you have a fat roll. When no matter where you poke there's an inch or two of fat cushioning, held in tightly by the skin, you don't realize how small your lean core is.

I have 10 pounds to go before the end of this weight-loss project. I suspect that when I get to 135, though, I will just switch my focus from straight weight loss to finer tuning of my body composition. The next two weeks, there are at least four undoubtedly high calorie days: Solstice (bread and cheese and wine), Christmas Eve (likely celebration dinner), Christmas (lots of chocolate), and New Years Eve (alcohol). Since two weeks from now will be New Year's Day, I don't expect the reading to be terribly reliable. So I want to say in the next 17 days - until I leave on Tuesday the 4th to travel - I want to lose between 1.0-1.8 pounds, for a leaving weight of 143.6-142.8. That keeps me making measurable progress while allowing for the season, y'know. Then I'll probably set something like 1 pound for my vacation loss goal, but we'll see a little later about that.

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