Saturday, October 23, 2010

MICROGOAL and weekly summary

I did it! Today I weigh 153.2 at 34.7% body fat. I was 153.0 yesterday, but since I'd lost 2 pounds in one day I wanted to give it another day and make sure it stuck. So I've now lost over 30 pounds, and have less than 20 to go. I'm pretty happy about that and I'm also SO CLOSE to my meso goal, the big big step of being no longer "overweight". It seems like it's taking a long time, but at the same time it doesn't seem so long ago that I'd only lost 7 pounds and wondered if anyone would notice (not on a 180 pound person doofus). Well, rawr! I've got about three and a half pounds left so I think that can happen in 2 or 3 weeks? I will definitely be in the 140s by Thanksgiving.

Quick stats: average kcals/day 1671, 2 yoga, 1 mixed, 1 very long walk, avg balance -435, -2.6 lbs.

Sa: 0
Su: 0
M: 0
T: Mixed CSF workout (40 min, 200cc)
W: 15 min yoga
Th: 1/2 hr yoga and 5 hr walking-trip
F: 0


Friday 10/22

Eggs and potatoes (175+150=325)
1/2 cheese sandwich and apple (110+110+100=320)
Sweetened yogurt and granola (90+25+15+70=200)
Slice of gorgonzola cheese (60)
Cabbage, potatoes, black beans, and chicken (40+100+115+200=455)
Little bit of granola (70)


Thursday 10/21

Oatmeal with toppings and 1/2 grapefruit (150+25+50+15+40+30=360)
Chicken, potatoes, and broccoli (340+150+50=540)
Ice cream (350)


Wednesday 10/20

Bagel with cream cheese and eggs (260+70+160=490)
Grapes (100)
PB and Nutella sandwich (220+200+195=615)
1/2 cheese sandwich and apple (110+110+100=320)
Black beans with corn, tomatoes, onions, and cheese (115+50+30+110=305)


Tuesday 10/19

Oatmeal with Nutella & PB, and 1/2 an apple (150+100+50=300)
Slice of processed cheese (50)
Chocolate soymilk (130)
Half cheese sandwich and an orange(110+110+60=280)
Nibbles while making dinner (60)
Pasta with sauce and salad with toppings (200+75+2*[30+50+40+25]=565)
Glass of wine and 16 oz Pabst (125+205=330)


Monday 10/18

Bagel with cream cheese, scrambled eggs, and grapes (260+105+140+50=555)
Stir-fried tofu, rice, and cabbage with miso and a plum (100+60+160+30+20+50=420)
Grapes (50)
Rice and beans with cheese, corn, and tomatoes (160+115+220+50+30=575)
Nutella (100)


Sunday 10/17

Bagel with cream cheese, tomato, and spinach (260+150+30+20=460)
Bread with Nutella and an apple (110+200+100=410)
More Nutella, sigh (200)
Miso soup with tofu (30+10+100=140)


Saturday 10/16

Oatmeal with walnuts, dried cranberries, and  cream, and 1/2 grapefruit with sugar (150+50+25+40+30+15=310)
Grapes (100)
2 spoonfuls Nutella (200)
Cabbage soup, bread, cheese, and wine (80+75+80+200=435)
Nibbles while making dinner (50)
Flatbread, hummus, brussels sprouts, and cider (300+165+50+200=715)
Ice cream with Nutella on top (340+200=540)
Flatbread and cheese (100+110=210)


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