Saturday, October 16, 2010

Weekly summary and monthly averages

Today I'm 155.8 and 35.2% body fat. It's also the first weekend of my fall break, and I'd really like to hit 154.6 and break underneath 35% body fat by the end of the break. Sound doable?

It's also passed the 11th of October so I can tell you how much I've lost each month so far:

June-July: 10 lbs
July-August: 4.4
August-September: 8.6
September-October: 5.4

Based on this pattern, I hope to have another good loss this coming month. If I can lose just 7.4 pounds in the next 11-to-11 period, then I will meet my current meso goal! That would put us at November 11th and I could still probably expect to lose 5 pounds the next month, putting a little space between me and 150 before even hitting Thanksgiving. Even if I do nothing but maintain over most of the holiday season, I'll be in good shape by the time I go back to school.

Quick stats: average kcals/day 1771, 2 cardio, 2 strength, 2 yoga, avg balance -360, -1.0 lb.

Friday 10/15

Scrambled eggs with cheese and mini bagel with butter and jam (140+110+110+65+10=435)
Banana (100)
Coffee with cream and sugar (30)
Mini bagel with cheese, apple, and cabbage soup (110+110+100+40=360)
Vanilla wafers and Junior mints (200+40=240)
Black Boss Porter (280)
Spoonful of peanut butter (95)
Cabbage soup, bread, and cheese (80+600+220=900)
Clif bar (240)

435+30+360+240+280+95+900+240=2680 + Elliptical (18m, 226c) and 1 set pull-ups

Thursday 10/14

Yogurt, granola, and 1/2 grapefruit with sugar (90+140+30+15=275)
Apple and peanut butter (100+190=290)
Handful of Goldfish crackers (30)
Spinach-cranberry-walnut-gorgonzola salad with dressing and a mini bagel (20+50+50+100+90+110=420)
Salmon, rice, and peas (340+115+70=525)

275+290+30+420+525=1540 + 1 hr yoga

Wednesday 10/13

Mini bagel with cream cheese and an egg (110+35+90=235)
Banana (100)
Pasta with sauce and tuna (300+75+75=450)
Coffee with cocoa and dry milk (110)
Pear chunks, almonds, and honey (25+100+60=185)
Gorgonzola crumbles and dried cranberries (50+50=100)
Lentils and rice (230)
Espresso with cream and sugar (55)
Mini bagel with butter (110+50=160)


Tuesday 10/12

Yogurt and granola (90+140=230)
Pear (100)
Chicken Caesar salad and coffee with cream and sugar (550+95=645)
Grocery store samples (50)
Pasta with sauce and spinach-cranberry-walnut-gorgonzola salad with dressing (250+50+20+25+50+50+50=495)

230+100+645+50+495=1520 + 1 hr yoga

Monday 10/11

1/2 ciabatta roll with Tofurky sausage and egg (75+100+70=245)
Banana (100)
Tofurky sausage and cheese sandwich on a roll and an apple (150+120+110+100=480)
White grape juice (160)
Cabbage soup, Tofurky sausage, and ciabatta roll (80+180+150=410)
Ice cream (125)

245+100+480+160+410+125=1520 + Elliptical (16m, 202c) and 1 set pull-ups

Sunday 10/10

Breakfast at my parents' (740)
    Scrambled eggs
    Veggie sausage
    Baguette slices with goat cheese and olive spread
Mini bagel and cream cheese (155)
4 Twizzlers (120)
Cabbage soup, Tofurky sausage, and ciabatta roll (80+240+150=470)


Saturday 10/9

Scrambled eggs, buttered toast, and cantaloupe (140+20+40+110+100+100=510)
Ice cream (75)
Rice and beans with cheese (340)
Ice cream (75)
Sparkling lemon green tea (90)
Chunk of mozzarella (80)
Pizza (800)
Espresso with cream and sugar (55)


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