Sunday, October 24, 2010


I REALLY need another mp3 player. Listening to music is SO important to my psychological health, yet I'm constantly forgetting it, plus music is distracting from certain kinds of studying, which limits the times I can listen. On the other hand, I'm way more willing to push on a boring machine like the elliptical, or go really hard, if I've got a nice beat to carry me along, resulting in more calories burned and more of the exercise high and other benefits. So when my Shuffle broke it really set me back. I could still be burning 400 calories in exercise 3 days a week, easy, if I had that thing.

I put it on my Christmas wishlist, but I don't know if I can wait that long. No, scratch that, of course I CAN wait that long, but I don't know if waiting for someone else to buy it for me is worth the delay in physical benefits and the really quite significant psychological differences I could ride out the semester with. Time to look at prices, I think.

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