Friday, August 13, 2010


My scale was kind enough to grace me with a breeze from the 160's today. Not kind enough, however, to give me my 15-pound prize.

Probably if I'd run 3 miles instead of 2, I would have dissipated that extra 0.2 of a pound, but my body was not grooving on the running today.

I was looking at my spreadsheet and realized that this is probably my 15-pound plateau. I've been bouncing around the same pound 170-171 for 2 weeks. It just makes it that much more frustrating that it happened slightly before the official 15-pound mark, and right before the tens-place switch that I had just crossed on my analog scale before being bumped up four pounds. No wonder I've been getting annoyed with the numbers lately!

I still think I can meet 166.2 by September 13, but I'd really like to get there by August 30, when I go back to school. I would have to lose at a rate of 1.5 pounds a week. If my body is ready to let go of the plateau now, I think it's doable, but I have to make sure to really push a 750 deficit. I think the water weight and easy pounds are gone, and it's all going to be mathematically appropriate from here.

Sedentary maintenance calories at current weight: 1900-1950/day (calculated at LessJess and the other weight maintenance calculator in the sidebar)
Running and aerobic exercise: 5-6 x 300 cals each week ~ 230/day
Strength training: 3-5 x 80 cals each week ~ 50/day
Walking/biking for transportation: ~70/day


Oof. Well, maybe not. I'll try, and maybe I'll get lucky with my margins of error, but I don't really think that's realistic. Still, I should be losing more than 1 pound a week on 1700/day so I will be close.

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