Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Musings on cause and effect

... so then I gain 1.4 pounds in a day? The first day of my period, no less? I suppose anything's possible with that crazy camping trip in the background. Or it could be due to my ridiculous diet yesterday, in which every meal contained dairy and most of my food was eaten toward the end of the day:

Broccoli-cheese polenta-rice wedge with black beans and green tea (165+115=280)
Frozen yogurt cup (160)
Ice cream cup (300)
2 string cheese and milk (120+60=180)
Macaroni and cheese, green beans, and tofu dogs (450+110+50+90=700)
Ice cream (300)


Not entirely my fault, by the way. There was NO FOOD left because we just got back from camping. So the few things we had, and had bought for Sunday dinner, I cobbled into a sort of pie yesterday for dinner. The leftovers I ate for breakfast, so far so good. But I didn't want to eat it for three meals in a row. So then I was starving and I ate the frozen yogurt because it was there, in the freezer, and I had to eat it sometime right? (I didn't eat it for several weeks because it was too sweet and kinda gross, but severe hunger can change your perspective.) Then my period started and I got horrible cramps, so by midafternoon, still no proper food in the house, feeling weak from enduring the pain and the hot bath and still being really hungry, I asked my boyfriend to go get ice cream. Finally we got out shopping, and I chomped on some string cheese when I got home because I still had only eaten, oh, 740 not-very-substantial calories by 5pm. After such a physically taxing day, I was happy for the yummy dinner and I didn't really give a shit when my boyfriend wanted to have ice cream again for dessert. The end.

I do hope most of this drops off again tomorrow though. I'm going to eat less dairy, less toward the end of the day, and exercise today as well as running some errands which will increase my uncounted bike-transpo term.

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