Monday, August 23, 2010

MESO GOAL #1 REACHED... coincident with weekly summary and other milestones


Hahahaha. Anyway, since I've been gone from the scale for six days, I don't actually know which day I passed 166.2. But I'm going to count it as yesterday because when I stepped on right before bed, I saw exactly that number. I'm not even going to try to guess when it would have popped up in the morning.

It's funny how the clavicle likes to pop out way before anything else. It looks all bony, yet you can see in the shoulder that my arms are still plump and round. Some other bones are starting to come out by feel, but aren't visible yet.

Today's weigh-in: 164.6 lbs, 36.6% body fat. Incidentally, this means I've lost exactly 20 pounds as well. And it is quite lovely to see my BMI dip to 27.4. It means I've crossed half of the "overweight" range.

Also, my parents finally noticed I'm losing weight. So, somewhere between 16.6 and 20.0 pounds is what it takes. Good to know? Eh. I'm looking forward to the double take... somewhere around Christmas, when they go "you've lost MORE weight, haven't you?" and I get to quote some number near to 30 pounds cumulative.

Quick stats: average kcals/day 1771, 2 regular cardio, 1 strength workout, 2 insane hikes, 1 walkadoo, -4.2 lbs.

It's like my body is making up for the time it spent dawdling at 170-171. I've lost 7.4 pounds in the last 2 weeks! But if you go back 4-5 weeks, then it averages out to 1.6 lbs/week.


Sunday 8/22

2 instant oatmeal packets and a tofu dog (260+60=320)
Powerbar (230)
Taco Bell burrito and a few drinks of Pepsi (490+50=540)
Piece of green pepper (20)
1/2 Powerbar (120)
Baked potato with cheese and broccoli (250+220+50=520)

320+230+540+20+120+520=1750 + no exercise

Saturday 8/21

Tofurky sausage, potatoes with ketchup, and tea (270+200+30=500)
Half bagel with cream cheese and smoked salmon, and a slice of Edam cheese (135+70+70+30=305)
Vanilla milk (190)
Chili with cheese, corn on the cob, beer, and 1 peanut butter cup (270+110+120+155+60=715)

500+305+190+715=1710 + Leisurely hiking (~1 mi and ~3 mi)

Friday 8/20

Lentil/cheese/caponata medley and a few bites undercooked potato (300+20)
Powerbar (230)
Provolone, Tofurky, and tomato sandwich (200+140+80+15=435)
Powerbar (240)
Risotto, lettuce, and wine (500+175=675)
18.5 jellybeans (75)

320+230+435+240+675+75=1975 + Intense hiking (6 mi, +500 ft, -2000 ft)

Thursday 8/19

Veggie and cheese scramble, toast, juicebox, and tea (300+100+120=520)
2 peanut butter cups and 1 Emergen-C (180+20=200)
Caponata sandwich (400)
2 Powerbars (230+240=470)
Lentil/cheese/caponata medley (300)

520+200+400+470+300=1890 + Intense hiking (6 mi, +2000 ft, -500 ft)

Wednesday 8/18

2 instant oatmeal packets and yogurt (340+85=425)
Juicebox (120)
Open face tuna melt, apple, and a slice of Tofurky (100+100+110+100+20=430)
Powerbar (230)
Lentil potato curry and 3 peanut butter cups (300+180=480)
Partial slice of provolone (60

425+120+430+230+480+60=1745 + Mixed running/hiking (2 x ~1.5 mi)

Tuesday 8/17

Scrambled eggs with sauteed onion and cheese, toast with butter and jam, and canned apricots (105+40+10+110+80+50+25+50=470)
Clif builder bar (270)
Cinnamon bread and drink of Pepsi (200+20=220)
1 kalamata olive (10)
2 veggie dogs and 1 bun with condiments, potato chips, beer, and 1 peanut butter cup (220+110+30+200+155+60=775)

470+270+220+10+775=1745 + no exercise

Monday 8/16

Cottage cheese with canned apricots and toast (110+100+80=290)
Chunk of cheese (110)
1 egg cooked with oil (70+20=90)
Powerbar (240)
Grocery store samples (150)
Tofu, avocado, tomato and onion sandwich (160+120+105+30+15=430)
Iced green tea with honey (60)
Drink of Mt. Dew (15)
Celery and cottage cheese with cocoa in coffee (20+110+70=200)

290+110+90+240+150+430+60+15+200=1585 + Elliptical (42 min, 537 cals) and pull-up practice

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