Sunday, August 22, 2010

... WTF?

So I got back about five o'clock, stripped off my clothes, stepped on the scale, and...



I made sure there was nothing underneath it, turned it to exactly the angle it was at before, and checked again. Same. I weighed a third time with the bodyfat reading on. 35.4%. Okay, maybe I almost kind of believe it, then. I pulled out the analog scale, and there's still approximately a 4-pound difference between them.

Alright then, the scale hasn't been fucked up in my absence. But a person does not lose 4 pounds in 5 1/2 days doing the level of restriction I am doing, especially between a first-of-the-morning weight and a 5pm weight, and especially since I am currently premenstrual and should thus be retaining. Remember last month when I lost 2 pounds in 2 days once I started my period? The only thing I can think of is that we went to a dry place, so I may have shed water anyway.

Tonight I'll drink plenty of water, eat a nice dinner, and we'll see what kind of story the scale tells tomorrow.

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