Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Would you rather be anorexic or obese?

I found this question on Yahoo Answers. It's a week old, so I couldn't contribute, but it's an interesting question. I tallied up the results.

Anorexic: 22 (61%)
Obese: 7 (19%)
Refused to choose: 6 (17%)
Undecided: 1 (3%)

A few I threw out because they were kind of non sequiturs.

I would rather be obese. It's a mildly to moderately unpleasant physical and social condition (depending on degree), but you keep your own head. You're not trapped by your own weird compulsions around food (unless you got there by an overconsumptive eating disorder, but I'm assuming this is garden variety obesity) and you have the option of accepting yourself. Have you ever heard of an anorexic who likes her body? She may look good, depending on how much weight she's lost, but she thinks she's fat and always needs to go further. At least when you're obese, you're actually fat and seeing what's there.

Yet there's a part of me that feels like I'm just saying that. It's all tied in with how I can't seem to decide whether I want to live a controlled or an uncontrolled life. I've been choosing the controlled life so far because I guess deep down I believe it's the better one, but there's almost a yearning to experience the other side, to feel the rush of it, and at least have it proven that it's worse. That impulse thinks, hey, I've already been on the low end of obese. It's not great and not that interesting. Anorexia might be hell, but it would undeniably be interesting, intense, and new, so if I had to choose...

*common sense shudder*

Anyway, these were some of the comments I found most interesting:

Best Answer Chosen by Asker:"Obese. i'd rather eat than starve."

A former anorexic: "hmmmm interesting. having previously been anorexic, i can tell you it is not a pleasant mindset what so ever - it messes u up so badly both mentally and physically however, as a person who is still very concious of weight, i would hate even more so to be obese...."

Made me cringe a little: "Anorexic, because I can make myself look normal by wearing more layers. You can't really hide your figure when you're obese." The person in their thumbnail photo looked about 14.

Contrasting views: "anorexic. people feel bad for them, obese people get made fun of." vs. "obese, its normal these days."

Clear rejection of question: "None. But if i had to choose none."

A whole string of people answered with just the word "anorexic," and one person with just the word "obese". It's a little freaky that anorexic wins on Yahoo Answers, although I think it was more evenly split among the people who actualy gave reasons. Do people not realize how terrible it is to be anorexic, or do they think obesity is that bad? Maybe I'll set up a poll in my sidebar to get a different sampling. It would also serve as a gauge of blog traffic, but I suppose I could just get a pageview counter for that. Except then my views build up on it. Meh.

Oh, and you know what? Since I've reached my first meso goal, I think I'll spruce up my blog background again.

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