Sunday, August 15, 2010

Ramblings about stuff

I'm glad I went for a run today, even though it was 95 degrees out. I didn't run in the morning when it would have been cooler because it's Sunday, we were planning to have pancakes for breakfast, and we go to church. I also thought my family was going to bring over a mini trampoline and that was the exercise I wanted to do because there's no pushing yourself forward, just boing boing for a while and you don't mind putting in the effort because the effect is amplified so much. But no, they just brought over the canned apricots. So I ate a few apricots and went for a run and it wasn't too bad - it was hot, but late enough that it was shady most places. I hesitated at the apricots because they were going to put me over 1700 for the day. But then I thought - dude, are you going to eat 75 calories and then burn 200-300, or are you going to stay within your calorie box but get no exercise and feel like you did nothing today because of the heat? So I sipped the sweetness, wore less than usual and went out. Good choice, I think.

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