Monday, August 9, 2010

Back-from-the-bike-trip weigh-in

172.0 and 37% bodyfat this morning, and I'm sure it's fluid and digestive retention and maybe a little bit of muscle for a number of reasons...

- I feel like I'm retaining
- I ate spaghetti for dinner again last night
- I've been drinking tons of Emergen-C (electrolytes) for several days
- I've also gotten sufficiently dehydrated to need constant lip balm
- I've eaten 11360 calories in the last 4 days, mostly in the form of solid food
- I got the same weight yesterday immediately upon returning, but with 35.8% fat
- My body feels harder than it did when I left
- There's no way I gained any fat when you look at my energy balance

Alright, excuses over, I'm sure I will be vindicated next week. I really hope I shed a few pounds in the next few days as I re-equilibrate and hit 169.6 already. I just need to lose 2.4 pounds from here, 0.4 pounds from my lowest weight last week, to have lost FIFTEEN FULL POUNDS. I've been bouncing around twelve, thirteen, fourteen, for a bit too long and it's getting annoying.

The plan from here is as follows. Today, I don't restrict, but it's not a "booster day" where I try to eat a lot. It's just an allowance for the fact that my body may need more calories to recover, so not to worry if I'm up around 2000, but if less works out, then great. I suspect I won't need the allowance since I actually didn't have much deficit yesterday. Tomorrow, I restrict with a target of under 1850 to begin with, working back down to under 1700 as soon as my body will allow, and go back to my usual exercise immediately.

Quick 9-day stats: average kcals/day 2311, 4 cardio, 2 strength workouts, 148 biked miles including 2938 ft of climbing, +1.2 lbs.

Now the data, but first a note on "net calories." I don't usually calculate net calories because calorie-burn estimates are notoriously unreliable and then you have to take into account your BMR and it's just not really worth it under usual conditions. But since I was doing such extreme exercise and eating lots of food to fuel it, I wanted to get an idea of what kind of deficit I'd be pushing. So the "net calories" reported for bike-trip days are the consumed calories minus a burn estimate based on riding the number of miles I did at 8 mph and 172 lbs body weight according to whatever assumptions go into a typical online calculator. Note that this doesn't account for the weight of supplies, bike, elevation, speed variation, etc. My BMR, for reference, is estimated at about 1600 calories/day, but this also could be different for the bike trip days because of the amount of repair and quick adaptation necessary.

Sunday 8/8

1 Lara bar and 2 Emergen-C's (200+40=240)
1 cup polenta and 1/2 can tuna (175+95=270)
BLT sandwich and side salad with vinaigrette (550+50+50=650)
3/4 pint Half-Baked ice cream (810)
Pasta with red sauce and a glass of wine (500+80+125=705)

240+270+650+810+705=2675 + 22 miles bike riding (net: ~1825)

Saturday 8/7

1 Powerbar, 1 Clif bar, 1 Luna bar, 1 Lara bar, and 2 Emergen-C's (240+250+180+200+40=910)
Eggs, hash browns, toast with butter and jam, and chocolate milk (140+300+200+200+100+160+100=1200)
1 tortilla, 1 oz cheese, 1 cup rice and beans, and 1/2 can tuna (170+110+230+95=605)
1/2 half-pint blackberries, and 1 beer (50+100=150)

910+1200+605+150=2865 + 39 miles bike riding with 1548 ft elevation gain (net: ~1200)

Friday 8/6

2 Clif bars, 1 Luna bar, 1 Lara bar, and 5 Emergen-Cs (490+180+190+100=960)
2.5 tortillas, 3 oz cheese, 2 cups rice and beans, 1 cup polenta, and 1/2 can tuna (425+330+460+175+95=1485)
1 orange, handful of peanuts, and 1 Werther's candy (100+200+20=320)

960+1485+320=2765 + 32 miles bike riding (net: ~1500)

Thursday 8/5

1 egg, 2 toast with butter, 1/2 grapefruit with sugar, vanilla yogurt, and soymilk (70+200+100+40+15+105+100=630)
1 Powerbar, 1 Clif bar, 2 Luna bars, 1 Lara bar, and 4 Emergen-Cs (240+240+360+200+80=1120)
3 tortillas, 3 oz cheese, 1 cup rice and beans, and 1/2 can tuna (510+330+230+95=1165)
1 can Coke (140)

630+1120+1165+140=3055 + 55 miles bike riding with 1390 ft elevation gain (net: ~1000)

Wednesday 8/4

Soymilk and coffee (100)
Egg, cheese, and potato burrito (2*70+100+100+170=510)
Walnuts, apple, and green tea (245+100=345)
Ice cream with fudge sauce and strawberries (2*150+130+50=480)
Pasta with red sauce and nutri-yeast (500+120+50=670)

100+510+345+480+670=2105 + outdoor run (2.0 mi) and upper body strength workout

Tuesday 8/3

Egg on toast, vanilla yogurt, and grapefruit with 2 tsp sugar (70+120+10+80+30=310)
Cheese sandwich and apple (2*120+2*100+100=540)
Frozen grapes and a chunk of cheese (50+100=150)
Slice of bread (120)
Soymilk and 1 package ramen (100+380=480)

310+540+150+120+480=1600 + outdoor run (2.2 mi)

Monday 8/2

Banana and coffee (100)
Toast with sweet peanut butter and coffee (100+190=290)
Chunk of cheese (100)
Couscous with sauteed onions, tomatoes, and chopped almonds (175+40+30+200=445)
Frozen grapes and a spoonful of sweet peanut butter (50+100=150)
Chicken with butter, sauteed potatoes, green vegetables and a glass of wine (210+100+150+80+50+125=715)

100+290+100+445+150+715=1800 + outdoor run (1.4 mi) and upper body strength workout

Sunday 8/1

Scrambled eggs with cheese and toast (140+75+100=315)
Blueberry bread and a slice of provolone (220+80=300)
Picnic lunch (860)
Caponata sandwich (300)
Yogurt and fruit salad (140+60=200)
Bread with sardines (150+110=260)
Carrot and sparkling juice (30+70=100)
Sesame puffs and popcorn (60+165=225)
Pizza and soda (500+150=650)

315+300+860+225+650=2350 + no exercise

Saturday 7/31

1 bowl cereal with sliced banana and coffee (150+100+100=350)
Chunk of cheese (100)
Partial bowl potato corn chowder, pasta, fried polenta, and a glass of wine (150+200+150+125=625)
Chunk of cheese (100)
Slice of bread with sweet peanut butter (100+100=200)
Iced tea (60)
Miso soup with tofu (50+100=150)

350+100+625+100+200+60+150=1585 + aerobic dancing (7 songs)

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