Sunday, July 25, 2010

Booster day fail

So, erm, my booster day kind of totally failed at being a booster day. My calorie count ended up being 1645. I think the large, high-fat breakfast backfires. I eat 700 calories of breakfast, which is a lot, but I eat it a little late in the morning (because it's Saturday) and then I'm full until fairly late in the afternoon, have a little snack, then have dinner, and oops... not even close to 2000.

Today's looking like it will turn out a similar number to yesterday. I'm not sure how I feel about that. On the one hand, why overfeed if it makes me feel not-great (I'm already a little yuck from the extra tortilla I ate at lunch)? On the other hand, if I'm instinctively eating sub-1700, does that mean my metabolism is slowing? I guess my losses over the next week will tell, and if I feel like indulging, I won't worry about high-calorie day because it'll probably do me good.

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