Sunday, July 4, 2010

Keeping calories within reason at a party

The tidbit-ness of the party definitely got to be too much to individually enumerate, but I added it up in my head as I went and I consumed approximately 1000 calories of food and 650 calories of drinks. Bringing the total to 2490, which is just within 2500, and is therefore "accounted for."

That said, I was reminded of a few lessons. It's so strange how I just stop exercising the new habits I've been developing when I go back to an old environment. First, drink first - you'll get more intoxicated on less alcohol, which is good on a number of levels, and you'll delay eating. Second, don't put some of everything on your plate - eat one item at a time, and use a smaller plate or a napkin if possible. This is especially relevant if it's the sort of potluck where people show up continuously, with new dishes, for several hours. You want to pace your calorie consumption, and if you wait to serve something until you want it specifically, you may find yourself passing over the things you're not really crazy for.

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