Thursday, July 22, 2010

Okay, so maybe I'm a little bitter

I rarely drink soda.

I rarely eat fast food.

I bike or walk everywhere I need to go and don't even have a driver's license.

I almost never have dessert.

I'm not an emotional eater.

I rarely eat after dinner.

I always eat breakfast.

I don't even watch enough TV to eat while watching TV.

I'm not sugar sensitive.

I don't have "trigger foods."

In short, I display none of the traditional overeater's vices (or curses, in the case of sugar sensitivity). I just like food a lot. I am living proof that you CAN get fat eating too much of perfectly healthy, reasonable food. Yeah, you can blame dorm brownies and such for the last 10 or so, but I habitually maintained 165-170 eating the diet I grew up on and the diet I choose for myself as an adult. It's not a quality issue.

Pass me 10 crackers and 2 tablespoons of hummus, please.

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