Saturday, July 31, 2010

Saturday weigh in and data dump

Today I weigh 170.8 at 38% bodyfat. I think my bodyfat percentage is sloping more down than up, but I don't really have enough data points to tell. It wiggles between 37 and 39.

Quick stats: average kcals/day 1669, 5 cardio, 3 strength workouts, -1.4 lb.

Also, a notice that weigh-in & data day will be moved to Monday for the next 3 weeks. This is because I will be de-computerized next weekend for my bike trip and two weekends afterward for a camping trip. May as well keep the one-week interval in between.

It's funny how trying to lose weight can change your perspective on things you'd normally find annoying. For instance, yesterday I had to stay late at work finishing some things my prof really needs this weekend, and didn't get home until 8pm. So I ate quite a light dinner because I was hungry (obviously) but don't feel the best when I eat that late. End result: calorie count of 1475. And so I find it a GOOD thing that I got held up.

Food journal:

Friday 7/30

Banana and coffee (100)
1 bowl cereal (150+100=250)
Cottage cheese with sliced strawberries (55+50=105)
Hummus, cheese, and veggie sandwich and a banana (2*100+65+100+20+100=485)
Soaked almonds and orange dark chocolate (100+85=185)
1 bowl potato corn chowder with a slice of bread and soymilk (200+100+50=300)

100+250+105+485+185+350=1475 + outdoor run (2.2 mi) and upper body strength workout

Thursday 7/29

Canned pineapple and coffee (70)
Cottage cheese, coffee, and sliced banana with brown sugar and cinnamon (110+100+30=240)
Nutri-yeast popcorn and soymilk (165+100=265)
1 bowl potato broccoli corn chowder, 1/2 cheese sandwich, and an apple (200+100+100+100=500)
Green tea and dark chocolate (95)
Pasta with veggies sauteed in olive oil and 1 glass wine (250+250+125=625)

70+240+265+500+95+625=1795 + outdoor run (2.2 mi)

Wednesday 7/28

Banana and coffee (100)
Fried polenta with 1 egg, tomato, and avocado (95+70+15+100=280)
Soaked almonds and green tea (200)
Cheese sandwich and apple (2*100+2*100+100=500)
Tiny plum from a tree on campus (15)
Strawberries and green tea (100)
1 bowl potato broccoli corn chowder and ice cream (200+1.5*150=425)

100+280+200+500+15+100+425=1620 + outdoor run (1.7 mi) and upper body strength workout

Tuesday 7/27

Tangelo and coffee (100)
Egg on toast and a bite of ice cream (100+70+30=200)
1/2 chocolate chip muffin and soymilk (165+100=265)
Tuna quesadilla (210+85+2*100=495)
Orange dark chocolate and green tea (85)
1 bowl potato corn chowder with cheese (200+100=300)
Frozen blueberries, raspberries, grapes, and fresh strawberries (100)

100+200+265+495+85+300+100=1545 + outdoor run (1.4 mi)

Monday 7/26

Cottage cheese and canned pineapple (110+70=180)
Nutri-yeast popcorn (165)
Couscous, black bean, broccoli, tuna, and boiled egg salad (175+110+30+90+70=475)
Soy chai drink and 1/2 chocolate chip muffin(100+20+165=285)
1 bowl potato corn chowder, 2/5 baguette, ice cream and frozen grapes (200+2*100+75+25=500)

180+165+475+285+500=1605 + upper body strength workout

Sunday 7/25

Cottage cheese, 1/2 grapefruit with sugar, and strawberries (110+50+15+50=225)
Social hour munchies: crackers, cheese, guacamole, brownies, and coffee (500)
2 tortillas, hummus, and salad with vinaigrette (2*210+2*65+30+1.5*40=640)
Good 'n' Plenty candy, Greek yogurt with honey, and cheese (280+250+100=630)

225+500+640+630=1995 + aerobic dancing (9 songs)
(Count this as my booster day)

Saturday 7/24

Breakfast out (90+500+75+20=685)
2 cups coffee with cream & sugar (2*45=90)
Quiche (500)The fourth weekend, I'm here, but Monday is the day school starts so I ma
Green salad with croutons & vinaigrette (75)
Andes mint (20)
Baguette with butter, strawberries, and 1/2 peppermint patty (150+50+85=285)
Fried polenta with black beans and green salad with vinaigrette (3*85+110+30+40=435)
2 oz Aquavit (140)
Soymilk (100)

685+285+435+140+100=1645 + no exercise

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