Sunday, June 27, 2010

Swelling with dehydration yep that's how it works

Bleh. I weighed 175 this morning - gained on the one day I actually somewhat cared about losing for a particular weigh-in. My preventive measures were not enough to keep me from waking up dehydrated, either, so I had no energy for my run (I still did it though for 1.2 miles) and the water I've drunk today has disproportionately stuck, pushing me up another several pounds over the course of the day. My parents didn't say anything about my weight, either because of what I just described or because 7 lbs isn't noticeable on someone who used to be 181. I can't expect much better tomorrow either, because I couldn't resist eating lots of salty seasoning as I was making popcorn for my b/f. It did allay me from eating so much of the popcorn and other random things lying around the kitchen. Better to get squishy from water now than squishy from fat later. I also haven't had a bowel movement since booster day (yesterday), so all that is hanging out inside me... the number is not going to look good tomorrow. But, despite my struggles, I'm still managing to stay within 2000 calories which is something. I ought to take a vitamin tomorow, so that as I flush out salt there wll be better minerals for the water to hang onto.

Yogurt (140)
1 egg and espresso with milk (70+20=90)
Coffee with sugar and creamer, 1 mini cupcake, and a strawberry (45+100=145)
String cheese and fruit grain bar (60+130=190)
Milk and tortilla (75+180=255)
String cheese (60)
Pasta, marinated vegetables, tofu, and iced tea (525+100+100+25=750)
2 Tbsp peanuts and 1/2 cup milk (80+80=160)
Crackers and popcorn and honey (160)


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